Technology (SLIM)

The Skinny on SLIM

SLIM (structures for lossless ion manipulation) is the driving technology behind high-resolution ion mobility separations.
Pioneered by physical chemist Dr. Richard D. Smith, SLIM provides unprecedented capability to efficiently and reproducibly separate biologically relevant molecules.
In all ion mobility technologies, an ion’s migration time is determined by its gas phase size-to-charge ratio. As ions are driven along the separation path, collision with an inert buffer gas slows them down to a degree proportional to their size. The length of the path is crucial to achieving the high degree of separation required to gain adequate resolution of compounds with challenging structural diversity. In most ion mobility separation technologies, that path is straight — limiting its length.
SLIM separation technology is different. SLIM makes ions turn corners, not just travel straight. This enables a single-pass flight path up to 13 meters, providing resolving powers of >250 that can distinguish differences as small as 0.2% in collision cross section (CCS) values.
The Inventor of SLIM
Dr. Richard D. Smith is a world-renowned scientist in advanced analytical methods for biological research. He led the development of the novel SLIM technology for high-throughput sample processing, reactions, and separations with an eminent team of scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. MOBILion is the exclusive licensee of SLIM technology for commercial purposes.
How SLIM Works
SLIM separations technology applies electric fields to electrodes on conventional parallel printed circuit board surfaces creating ion conduits that can separate and move ions losslessly. Lossless Ion Manipulation is a revolutionary technology that will enable robust biological analysis from minute sample quantities.