Lipid Nanoparticle Analysis

Accelerate Lipid Nanoparticle Analysis
Add another dimension of characterization for challenging lipid nanoparticle impurities in biopharma analytical labs.
The Problem
Scientists need the ability to confidently identify impurities in lipid nanoparticle components, as these contaminants may affect payload delivery, particle stability, and efficacy.
Our Solution
The MOBIE system provides a highly reproducible, highly specific solution for lipid nanoparticle impurity analysis.
Benefits of HRIM
The addition of MOBIE HRIM to traditional LC workflows improves identification and relative quantification accuracy by separating overlapping isotopic profiles. Even when lipid tail saturations or desaturations are present, complex spectra are simplified.

A convoluted isotopic envelope of DLin and its suspected saturation product are separated in the mobility dimension, allowing for the analysis of each species without isotopic interference.
Customer Success Story

Resolving Complex Lipid Structures
Kim Ekroos PhD - Lipidomics Consulting Inc.
MOBIE achieves separation of molecules with close structural heterogeneity without LC