
BMSS (British Mass Spectrometry Society)

MOBILion Eye

Event Details

Our team will be attending the annual BMSS meeting, bringing together researchers and professionals to discuss innovations in mass spectrometry.

The BMSS and the British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR) will join forces to host a combined "Super Meeting" to be held at the Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, UK, which will accommodate 3 plenary lectures, 16 keynote lectures, 48 contributed talks, 45 flash presentations, 5 partner presentations, traditionally presented poster sessions (in A0 portrait format), and online digital-only posters.

Event Date(s)

September 4-6, 2024

Event Location

Warwick, United Kingdom


BMSS (British Mass Spectrometry Society)

Register for Event

MOBILion Wave Hero