Evaluate the benefits of converting to CCS space for IM data. - Agilent Technologies | ASMS 2022

Analytical and Informatic Benefits from an Automated Conversion of Ion Mobility Arrival Times to Collision Cross Section Space
Sarah Stow PhD - Agilent Technologies
Achieving faster separations prior to MS analysis is a common goal for analytical workflows. While LC is still the primary choice, ion mobility (IM), now available in various configurations from multiple vendors, is actively used in many labs. During IM, ions are separated based on their gas phase structure and mobility measured by ion arrival time (AT). The AT of the ions can then be converted into a collision cross section (CCS) or rotationally averaged cross-sectional area of the ion which is less susceptible to changes in method parameters and measurements made on different instruments. An automated preprocessing conversion of the IM-MS raw measurements to CCS space will be discussed in this presentation and evaluated across various method parameters.
- In this study, we evaluated the benefits of converting to CCS space for IM data.
- Results can be compared across various instrument settings when data is mapped to CCS space.
- Percent difference from CCS values from different wave settings is within 0.54%.
- CCS agreement between feature finding results and mapping is within 0.05%.